Alarm as 1,586 primary school teachers fail exams

National NewsNewsUGANDA

A staggering 1,586 primary school teachers who sat for the 2021 Grade III Teachers’ Certificate in Primary Teacher Education Examinations failed the exams. This represents 28.44% of the 5,576 registered teachers that undertook the test.

The results were officially announced during a ceremony held at State House in Nakasero on Friday, where Kyambogo University Vice Chancellor Prof Elly Katunguka highlighted a noticeable decrease in the overall performance of candidates compared to the previous year.

According to the Monitor, only 3,786 candidates managed to pass their exams in 2021, accounting for 67.90% of the total, in contrast to the 7,498 successful candidates out of 8,870 who had registered in the previous year, representing an 84.53% pass rate.

Alarm as 1,586 primary school teachers fail exams
An undated photo of primary school pupils sitting for their exams. The picture is not linked to the story. It has only been used for emphasis. [Photo/Courtesy].

In terms of distinctions and credit passes, there were fewer distinctions achieved in 2021, with only 130 distinctions representing 2.3 % compared to 411 distinctions obtained in the 2020 Grade III exams, accounting for 4.63%.

Similarly, credit passes decreased in 2021, with only 3,616 candidates achieving credit passes, representing 64.8%, compared to 7,024 candidates (79.19%) in the 2020 Grade III exams.

Additionally, the number of candidates who passed with merit dropped from 63 (0.71%) in 2020 to 40 (0.7% ) in 2021.

ALSO READ: President Museveni orders pay increase for teachers

Alarm as 1,586 primary school teachers fail exams
Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni and First Lady Janet Museveni who is also the Minister for Education. [Photo/Courtesy].

A total of 1,586 candidates failed to meet the required standards in 2021, accounting for 28.4 percent of the total, compared to 922 candidates (10.39 percent) who failed in 2020.

In the 2021 Grade III Teachers’ Certificate in Primary Teacher Education Examinations, there were 204 candidates (primary school teachers) who were ungraded, representing 3.7%, in contrast to 450 candidates who were ungraded in 2020, accounting for 5.07% of the total.

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