Breaking News: Developments in Donald Trump’s gunshot wound case

Breaking News: Developments in Donald Trump’s gunshot wound case

President Donald Trump is on the path to recovery after surviving a close brush with death.

Last week, a would-be assassin fired a bullet at Trump during a rally in Pennsylvania. The bullet came perilously close to his head, grazing the top of his right ear.

Ronny Jackson, Trump’s former physician and now a Republican congressman from Texas, shared an update on Saturday, providing the first detailed account of Trump’s injury and recovery.

Jackson, who served as a physician to both Presidents Trump and Obama, described the gunshot wound as a 2-centimeter-wide track that reached down to the cartilage of Trump’s ear.

The initial aftermath saw significant bleeding and swelling of the entire upper ear.

Thankfully, the swelling has since subsided, and the wound is starting to heal. Despite the progress, Jackson noted intermittent bleeding, requiring Trump to keep the wound dressed.

The incident occurred on July 13, but Trump, showing his characteristic resilience, accepted the Republican Party’s presidential nomination for the upcoming November 5 election just five days later.

Addressing the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Trump recounted the harrowing experience to a captivated audience.

With a thick bandage still covering his ear, he attributed his survival to divine intervention, stating, “I am only here by the grace of Almighty God.”

Donald Trump vividly recalled the moment of the attack, saying,

“I heard a loud whizzing sound and felt something struck me on my right ear.

I said to myself, ‘Wow, what was that?

can only be a bullet.'”

His words resonated deeply with the audience, highlighting the gravity of the situation and his fortunate escape.

Jackson has been providing daily care and treatment for Trump’s wound since the incident.

While sutures were not needed, the highly vascular nature of the ear means that intermittent bleeding persists.

Jackson emphasized the importance of ongoing evaluations, including a comprehensive hearing exam, to ensure Trump’s full recovery.

Donald Trump’s trauma

The ordeal has undoubtedly tested Donald Trump’s strength and resilience, but he remains steadfast and determined.

Just days after such a traumatic event, his ability to stand before the nation spoke volumes about his unwavering spirit.

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