Cabinet orders review of regional development authorities

National NewsNews
Cabinet orders review of regional development authorities

The Cabinet has directed that the role of Regional Development Authorities be reviewed in light of devolution.

With the constitutional two levels of government, the Cabinet said, the review should assess the impact and effectiveness of the six regional authorities.

The regional authorities are the Tana and Athi Rivers Development Authority, the Kerio Valley Development Authority, the Lake Basin Development Authority, the Ewaso Nyiro North Development Authority, the Ewaso Nyiro South Development Authority and the Coast Development Authority.

At a meeting at State House Nairobi on Thursday, the Cabinet also approved the Livestock Bill 2023. The proposed law provides for a regulatory framework in the livestock sector, giving priority to the dairy, leather and meat value chains.

Save for veterinary inspection, the Cabinet noted, the meat industry is largely unregulated, a gap that the proposed law will now close.

The livestock value chain provides huge opportunities for farmers and investors because Kenya has one of the largest livestock populations in Africa.

The livestock comprises 18 million cattle, 28 million goats, 17 million sheep and three million camels. Others are 32 million domestic birds and two million donkeys.

The Cabinet, too, gave a nod to the National Agricultural Mechanisation Policy that seeks to enhance productivity and production. The policy will also improve agricultural efficiency and offer incentives for large-scale commercial farming.

It will also promote public-private partnerships in the delivery of agricultural mechanisation services and promote training in this critical enabler in farming.

In line with Kenya Kwanza’s commitment to transparent fiscal management, the Cabinet approved a new method of accounting in government. The current Cash Basis of Accounting will be replaced by Accrual Basis of Accounting in three years.

The change in accounting was recommended by the National Treasury and the Public Sector Accounting Standards Board.

Cash Basis of Accounting is a method in which receipts or payments are recorded when actual cash is received or paid. This method, therefore, does not include critical information for enhancing accountability.

On the flip side, the Accrual Basis of Accounting is a method in which revenue or expenses are recorded when a transaction occurs. This method enhances reporting on liabilities, pending bills and other liabilities.

The change has become necessary, Cabinet said, because of increased pending bills, and stalled and delayed government development projects.

The National Policy on Linking Industry to Education, Training and Research was also approved. This policy, Cabinet resolved, will address the weak links between the world of work, schooling and training, and between industry and research.

Other policies and programmes approved by the Cabinet include

Gazettement of the Morendat Institute of Oil and Gas as a National Polytechnic

Kenya’s Accession to the 2001 Unesco Convention to the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage

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