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Cape Media to partner with Kenya Forest Service in tree planting campaign

Cape Media CEO Mwenda Njoka (right) with Chief Conservator of Forests Alex Lemarkoko, at the Kenya Forest Service headquarters in Nairobi on June 27, 2024. Photo/TV47

Cape Media CEO Mwenda Njoka (right) with Chief Conservator of Forests Alex Lemarkoko, at the Kenya Forest Service headquarters in Nairobi on June 27, 2024. Photo/TV47

Cape Media Limited Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Mwenda Njoka has expressed interest in partnering with the Kenya Forest Service (KFS) to support the tree planting campaign in the country.

Cape Media Limited, is the company that owns the fastest-growing media brands in Kenya (TV47 and Radio47).

Njoka made the remarks on Thursday June 27, 2024 when he  paid a courtesy call to the Chief Conservator of Forests (CCF) Alex Lemarkoko, at the Kenya Forest Service headquarters in Nairobi.

During the meeting, the two discussed areas of mutual collaboration especially in the area of informing the public about the 15 billion tree growing campaign that seeks to increase the country’s tree cover to at least 30% by the year 2032.

At the same time, the CCF and the Cape Media CEO agreed on the need to inform and educate the public about climate change and its effects on their daily lives.

Meanwhile, Lemarkoko noted that tree planting and rehabilitation of degraded forests was one of the most viable ways of mitigating against the negative effects of climate change.

On his part, Njoka said that as a responsible citizen, he was willing to play a role in the campaign to increase the forest cover in the country. 

He committed to work with KFS to publicize and inform the public about tree growing initiatives and the benefits thereof.

The two CEOs agreed to formalise their engagement through a framework of collaboration that will guide their activities.

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