DP Gachagua pleads with the Gen Z’s to call off Thursday’s protests

DP Gachagua pleads with the Gen Z’s to call off Thursday’s protests

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua, speaking in Mombasa on Wednesday, June 26, blamed the National Intelligence Service (NIS) for the deadly anti-Finance Bill 2024 protests.

Gachagua claimed that NIS, under Noordin Haji, failed to provide the necessary intelligence about the protests.

“Our NIS team slept on the job,” Gachagua said.

“It took people dying and protesting across the country for the president to understand how Kenyans feel.

We have a dysfunctional NIS that has exposed both the government and the people of Kenya.

Had the NIS briefed the president two months ago about the public sentiment on the Finance Bill 2024, many lives could have been saved, and there would have been no mayhem.”

He further criticized Haji, stating, “Noordin Haji was a junior officer before he was appointed DPP.

When he became the NIS boss, he fired experienced people, including three directors and over 13 officers.

This has paralysed the NIS.”

Gachagua emphasized that President William Ruto was unaware of the public’s true feelings regarding the Finance Bill due to the NIS’s failures.

He called for Haji to take responsibility for the deaths of the protesters and to resign. “My boss, William Ruto, is exposed because of a dysfunctional National Intelligence Service,” he said.

Gachagua pleads with Gen Z

Addressing the youth, Gachagua pleaded with the youth to call off the Thursday demonstration.

Gachagua acknowledged the disconnect between the government and the people, thanking President Ruto for listening to the public.

“We must engage Gen Z, other young people, and all Kenyans, including the church and business community, on critical issues facing them,” he concluded.

“I want to appeal to Gen Z to call off the protests for tomorrow because their cries have been heard by the president.

He has accepted that there was an issue, a disconnect and done the right thing.

I think it is only fair that you call off the protest so that we do not have further losses of lives and property.” He said.

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