A driver in U.S was on Monday, January 8 night arrested after he crashed into White House exterior gate.
A secret service spokesperson says that the driver rammed into the gate shortly before 6 pm local time.
Anthony Guglielmi says police cleared the vehicle in less than two hours, even as investigations begin in earnest to ascertain the cause and the manner of the incident.

CBS News reports that President Joe Biden was nit at the White House at the time of the crash.
“Mr. Biden was in South Carolina for a campaign event earlier Monday and was en route to Texas on Monday evening,” CBS News reports.

Authorities say that the crash caused a traffic snarl-up near 15th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue – the eastern side of the White House complex near the Treasury Building.
It is not yet clear if there will be any charges against the driver.
Not the first incident
This is not the first incident of this nature to occur, as drivers have crashed at White House before.
In May 2023, a 19-year-old man from Missouri was arrested after he crashed a U-Haul truck into security barriers at White House.
According to court documents, Sai Varshith Kandula had a Nazi fkag with him when he was arrested.