Granny, 83, gives up parcel of land and goes back to kindergarten

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Tala Chelagat, is an incredible 83-year-old granny residing in the heart of Emmarich, Baringo County, Kenya.

In a move that has left many astounded, Chelagat decided to donate a piece of her cherished land to Emmarich Primary School.

With a spirit as vibrant as ever, she enrolled herself as a kindergarten pupil in the very same school she had supported.

She shared with TV47’s reporter Eric Matika that the gesture was her way of ensuring that education takes center stage in the lives of the community’s young residents.

It has not been easy for the younger ones to access education and I wanted them to have easy access to education given it is the only thig that can make their future brighter. I want them to have it easier and better than we had it during our time

Wisdom from a life well-lived

Chelagat was born and raised in Baringo County.

She recognized the power of education in shaping futures and preventing early marriages.

She understood that other schools were situated quite a distance away, and she wanted to make a change.

The 83-year-old Granny said by bringing education closer to the young generation, she’s providing them with an opportunity that might have seemed out of reach.

The fire within her continues to burn bright, regardless of the years that have passed.

Her legacy teaches people that we can all contribute to a brighter, more hopeful tomorrow.

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