“I taught my high school bully a lesson after he asked for help when I became rich.”- Jimmy Wanjigi

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“I taught my high school bully a lesson after he asked for help when I became rich.”- Jimmy Wanjigi

Former Presidential Aspirant Jimmy Wanjigi narrated about his bad high school experience at Lenana School.

Speaking on a nation TV station, Jimmy said that his woes started when his father drove him to school in a Mercedes. The students older than him made it their life mission to punish him for his father’s wealth.

“I was beaten and beaten and told I would be taught humility,” Wanjigi said on Dr King’ori’s show that airs on NTV.

The older students would also deny him food and demand that he undertakes on outrageous tasks such as cutting grass using a pair of scissors.

“They would give me a very small piece of chicken or a small serving of rice as dinner. What actually saved me was bread. Cooks would hide bread and give it to me.”

Confronting his bullies

Wanjigi had enough when one day a form two student poured water on his bed making it difficult for him to sleep yet I had exams the following day.

“This is when my head sparked, I confronted him and caused a scene. I then later transferred to St Mary’s and I was followed by my friend Jimmy Wanjigi,” revealed the business mogul.

As karma would have it, Wanjigi crossed paths with this bully years later. He asked for help from Jimmy who did not hesitate to take him down memory lane.

” I asked him now that you achieved what you wanted, where are you in life and where am I?”

“You are now asking me for help. Instead of adding value to people’s lives, you were busy taking away,” he recalled their conversation.

Wanjigi asked the man to teach his children to be better then went ahead and helped him.

Becoming a teetotaler

He also highlighted some of the factors that have made him a successful businessman.

“I quit drinking at the age of 25. I lost friends but I got 40-year-olds friends who taught me a lot. I was a better person by the time I was 30 years old. I saw how the world functions through other people’s eyes.”

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