Kalonzo is too broke to run for presidency in 2027, says Kitui East MP


Kitui East Member of Parliament (MP) Nimrod Mbai has urged Wiper Party Leader Kalonzo Musyoka to rally behind President William Ruto who will be seeking reelection in the 2027 elections.

Speaking on Friday, December 29, at his rural home in Nzouni, the Kitui East MP urged Kalonzo to shelf his presidential ambitions.

According to Mbai, the Wiper party leader is too broke to fund a presidential campaign like his competitors. 

The United Democratic Alliance (UDA) MP also downplayed Kalonzo’s influence in the Ukambani region, calling on residents in the region to support Ruto’s re-election bid.

Wiper party leader Kalonzo Musyoka speaking during a past event. Photo: Kalonzo Musyoka/Twitter
Wiper party leader Kalonzo Musyoka speaking during a past event. Photo: Kalonzo Musyoka/Twitter

“He cannot win the presidency alone, the seat requires someone to spend heavily and traverse the country like Ruto. But if Kalonzo traverses the country for one week like Ruto, he will be broke by Thursday and then give up,” Mbai stated.

READ ALSO: Kalonzo Musyoka: “It is very hard to support Raila again in 2027”

“Kalonzo cannot run a presidential campaign for one week, actually he will run broke on the third day. I am not convinced that he can make any meaningful impact,” he added.

At the same time, the Kenya Kwanza MP noted that it was wrong for the Wiper party leader to expect Raila Odinga’s endorsement for the 2027 elections. 

“Just weigh yourself, you can’t compete Raila, You can’t compete Ruto. You can only join either of them but Raila’s side is not an option since you’ve been there four times. Just join William Ruto for posterity.

READ ALSO: Kalonzo: There’s no need to be on the ballot then your votes get stolen

“Raila has invested all his life in politics and there’s no way he can leave the button to Kalonzo. Raila will support someone else,” he said.

Raila Odinga (right) with kalonzo Musyoka during a thanksgiving service in Kitui [photo/Azimio]
Raila Odinga (right) with kalonzo Musyoka during a thanksgiving service in Kitui [photo/Azimio]

He added that the Wiper party leader should support president Ruto’s reelection or choose to retire from politics.

The MP also urged residents from the region to support President William Ruto’s Kenya Kwanza government since it was initiating development projects for the people.

READ ALSO: Kalonzo: Raila Must Support me in 2027

He explained that President Ruto got 28 percent of the total votes cast from the larger Ukambani region, while projecting that the Head of State will secure 50 percent of the votes from the region in 2027.

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