Nominated Senator Karen Nyamu has spilled the beans on why she accompanied her baby daddy Samidoh on his recent Australia tour.
Samidoh (real name Samuel Muchoki) kicked off his Mugithi tour on September 1. They returned to the country last weekend.
Nyamu, who spoke in an interview on Radio 47, defended herself against rumors that she ‘followed’ him to make his wife Edday Nderitu jealous.
Nyamu: The trip was planned
The senator said she was not present during Samidoh’s other tours this year.
“My husband has been on international tours this year. He spent one month in Europe I was not there. He went to China I was not with him,” she explained.
Karen Nyamu added that she was a big fan of her husband’s art therefore she had the right to show her support by attending his concerts.

On the recent Australia tour, Senator Nyamu revealed that it was a planned vacation that would coincide with Samidoh’s work trip.
“We planned that trip sometime back, our visas came at the same time, so it was not about me following him everywhere. According to my schedule, I was free at that time so why not?” she added.
Nyamu confesses love for Samidoh
The radio presenters Emmanuel Mwashumbe and Alex Mwakideu questioned her love for the Mugithi artist to which she responded, “Anaweza sana”.
“He is very talented, roho nzuri, mkarimu sana…” Nyamu said, chuckling.

Nyamu, who is often blamed for Samidoh and Edday’s separation, hopes that they can all co-exist.
“Polygamous marriages are legal in our country. The reason for that is to allow all the children to have their father and the women to have a husband,” she began.
Polygamous Marriage
This is not the first time she urged Edday to warm up to the situation and reclaim her position as the first wife, instead of staying away.
“It should not be about one person leaving so that the other can come in. I know it is not an easy situation. Maybe I have not handled the situation well.
“I remain hopeful however that even if it takes one year I know it will work out,” Nyamu added.