Kasmuel McOure chased away by protestors from end femicide march 

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Kasmuel McOure chased away by protestors from end femicide march 

Activist Kasmuel McOure, a figure well-known for his sharp rhetoric and signature suit, faced an unexpected backlash during a protest against femicide in Nairobi’s Central Business District (CBD).

The demonstration, part of the broader “End Femicide” campaign, sought to draw attention to the alarming rise in femicide cases across Kenya.

However, Kasmuel’s presence at the event sparked tension rather than unity.

As he joined the protest, a faction of young demonstrators turned against him, loudly voicing their disapproval and calling for his departure.

The atmosphere quickly grew hostile, leaving Kasmuel no choice but to withdraw, accompanied by a handful of his supporters.

Is Kasmuel a traitor?

This tense confrontation underscores the growing rift between recently established activists like Kasmuel and the younger generation of campaigners.

Many youth activists accuse him of compromising their cause by aligning with the ODM Party and openly backing former Prime Minister Raila Odinga.

According to the youthful political activists, they saw the move as a betrayal of their commitment to independent, grassroots leadership untainted by ties to Kenya’s veteran political class.

For these young activists, the protest was not only about ending femicide but also about redefining activism itself, free from the influence of entrenched political alliances

Does he want power?

During an interview on TV47 with George Maringa, Kasmuel stated that the plan to engage in activism was to get hold of power.

Furthermore, the activist stated that the move would help address the key issues youth were protesting against in the country.

Additionally, he shared with George Maringa that ODM would help mentor him into politics as well as open him up to a people he had not yet embraced.

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