MP Kimani Ichungwa changes tune, supports Gen-Z peaceful protests

MP Kimani Ichungwa changes tune, supports Gen-Z peaceful protests

National Assembly majority leader Kimani Ichungwah has congratulated Gen Z for participating in peaceful protests against the Finance Bill 2024.

Speaking during an event on Sunday June 23, 2024, Ichungwah who is the Kikuyu member of parliament noted that he was very encouraged by the peaceful protests by the young generation in different parts of the country.

Initially, the Kikuyu MP had been opposing the street protests, terming the ‘occupy parliament’ protestors idlers who were being misused by some selfish politicians.

“Our Gen Z have rallied around issues of concern rather than tribe or ethnicity. This is great for our nation. The Gen Z‘s are setting an example that all leaders should aspire to follow,” said Kimani Ichung’wa.

He added that the Kenyan youth have a big say in the affairs of the country, and he was very happy with Gen-Z for organizing peaceful protests.

“That the young generation, Gen-Z, are now very conscious of the affairs of their state and they are taking charge. I want to congratulate them,” he added. 

According to the Kikuyu MP, Gen Z have redefined picketing and demonstration, as being non-violent yet firm. 

Meanwhile, President William Ruto on Sunday broke his silence on the anti-Finance Bill 2024 Protests that have been witnessed across the country last week.

Speaking during a Sunday Service at the Anglican Church of Kenya (ACK) in Nyahururu, President Ruto stated that the government had listened to the youth (Gen-Z) and was ready to engage in conversation with them.

Additionally, the President defended the proposed Finance Bill 2024, saying that it aims to enhance youth employment.

“I am very proud of our young people for stepping forward, tribeless and peaceful. I assure them that we are concerned about their issues. In this year’s budget, I have enhanced digital jobs because we acknowledge the challenge of unemployment in the county,” said President Ruto.

At the same time  Githunguri MP Gathoni Wamuchomba emphasized the need to start believing in Gen Z’s. 

“We educated them; they are now using the education we gave them to argue and ask critical questions as they seek to make things right . As a parent of a Gen z I’m taking the challenge daily. It’s a new dawn in Kenya,” said Gathoni Wamuchomba

On his part, Narok Senator Ledama Olekina urged MPs to do their job without being remotely controlled and implement what Kenyans including the Gen Z have decided.

“I love the way reverse psychology works! So now there will be a round table between the state and the Gen Zs to discuss about the finance bill instead of simply scrapping it,” said Ledama Olekina.

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