National Assembly Majority Leader Kimani Ichung’wah has dismissed claims that he sponsored a Bill seeking to remove the Auditor General as the head of the National Audit Office.
In a statement on Tuesday March 4, 2025, Ichung’wah accused his critics of spreading propaganda, and misinterpreting contents of the bill he presented in Parliament.
“The propaganda lords have crafted their own none existent bill on the office of the Auditor General with provisions that only exist in their infertile imaginations,” Ichungwah noted in a statement posted on X.
Additionally, he advised individuals with different opinions to read the bill and the committee’s report available on the parliamentary website and verify its contents.
“For a factual view of all bills before Parliament just visit the Parliamentary website and ignore the propaganda,” he stated.
According to the National Assembly Majority leader, removing the Auditor General as the head of the National Audit Office would be unconstitutional.
His bill, the Public Audit Amendment Bill 2024 seeks among other provisions, to grant more powers to the Head of Public Service, Felix Koskei.
The bill has attracted public backlash, especially on social media, as citizens accused Ichung’wah of attempting to introduce unconstitutional provisions.
Critics have maintained that if the bill is passed in Parliament, the role and functions of the Auditor General would be curtailed.
In addition, they argue that the Bill risks jeopardising the progress made in the fight against the misappropriation of public funds.
However, a closer scrutiny of the bill shows introduction of a clause requiring consultation with the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) regarding the salaries and benefits paid to staff in the Office of the Auditor General.
The bill also proposes abolishing the office of the senior deputy auditor general and replacing it with a deputy auditor general, who shall be appointed by the Auditor General.