Nakuru family traumatized by armed break-in allegedly involving police

Nakuru family traumatized by armed break-in allegedly involving police

A Nakuru family is reeling from a harrowing experience after armed individuals, claiming to be police officers, broke into their home late at night in what appears to be a case of mistaken identity.

The incident, which has left the household shaken, unfolded when the intruders stormed the property, aggressively demanding access while claiming they were in pursuit of renowned cartoonist Gideon Kibet.

The homeowner recounted the chilling ordeal, describing how the attackers forced their way in without prior warning or presenting any legal documentation.

“So I came home, had supper with my family, and we went to sleep. At around 3:30 am, I was woken up by a loud bang at the door, a big bang! You could feel the foundation of the house shaking.

I wondered who had the guts to hit the house like that, especially since we have security in this estate,” he said.

“After a short while, I saw about seven men enter my bedroom, brandishing automatic weapons; black plastic ones that seemed to be the latest models.

Cartoonist Kibet
Cartoonist Kibet

For the first time, I found myself staring at guns pointed directly at me.

When they saw me, it seemed they realised they had made a mistake, it wasn’t the right place. I noticed they relaxed their weapons,” he added.

Initially convinced they were genuine law enforcement officers, the family complied out of fear for their safety.

However, as the search progressed, it became apparent that the intruders had entered the wrong house.

Upon realizing their mistake, the armed individuals abruptly shifted their demeanor, identifying themselves as police officers.

Despite their claims, they failed to offer a convincing explanation for their actions or the lack of procedural protocol.

The family, though unharmed, was left deeply disturbed by the encounter.

The man, sitting on the bed with his hands up, felt compelled to assist the armed men, who appeared to cool down after realizing their mistake despite their combative demeanor.

Before focusing on his wife and kids, they interrogated him and looked around his home.

Although the man claims he did not hear any requests to unlock the door for the intruders, the family was later told that the attackers were, in fact, police officers.

They told me, ‘Old man, we are police officers. Why didn’t you open the door when we called out?” I told them I didn’t hear them calling,” he said.

His wife was seated till, she calmed down after the event, since she was in shock.

After accusing the man of not answering when they knocked at the door, the assailants quickly departed the residence.

Following the event, the man informed the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) and Njoro Police Station about the break-in.

The DCI, however, denied being aware of the operation, stating that they would have been informed if such a mission had taken place within their jurisdiction.

“I left and went to report the incident at Njoro Police Station. I reported everything that happened, and they took my statement.

I then went to the DCI, and they told me they weren’t aware of the incident.

They said if it was a DCI operation, the team should have reported to them and informed them before carrying out any operations in our area,” he added.

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