Njuri Ncheke elders to act as mediators between Meru MCAs and governor Mwangaza

Njuri Ncheke elders to act as mediators between Meru MCAs and governor Mwangaza

A section of Njuri Ncheke Meru council of elders have agreed to be mediators between the Meru county assembly members (MCAs) and Meru governor Kawira Mwangaza.

Speaking at the Njuri Ncheke shrine at Ncheru in Tigania West sub county, Meru county on Monday August 5, 2024, a section of the elders led by Tigania Njuri Ncheke chairman Andriano Aruyaru refuted claims that they are incapable of resolving the stalemate between the Meru governor and a section of the MCAs.

This was after another section of Njuri Ncheke led by the council national secretary general Josphat Murangiri noted they had no powers to resolve the conflict involving MCAs and the governor.

Justice Linus Poghon Kassan had issued orders halting the 4th impeachment motion against governor Mwangaza, which had been tabled before the Meru county assembly and directed that the elders be a mediator between MCAs and the governor.

Meru governor Kawira Mwangaza
Meru governor Kawira Mwangaza

The elders were required to give their submission within 3 weeks, but Josphat Murangiri the Njuri Ncheke elders national secretary general declined the orders saying that, as elders they do not have jurisdiction to intervene on constitutional issues such as impeachment but they only handle civil cases as mediators.

However, according to the team led by Tigania Njuri Ncheke chairman Aruyaru, the elders have the capacity to handle the wrangles between the Meru governor and MCAs.

The elders also condemned Josphat Murangiri saying that he had already been banished from the Njuri Ncheke way before he gave such comments, and urged him to pay a fine so as to be reinstated back as Njuri Ncheke elder.

This section of Njuri Ncheke elders also blamed Murangiri for initiating an oath to some of the Meru MCAs some months ago at the said Njuri Ncheke shrine contrary to the tradition.

They performed a cleansing ceremony to cleanse the shrine and called upon the Meru governor and MCAs to join them on a mediation table to resolve the stalemate.

In addition, they appreciated the directive given by President William Ruto that as elders they should work on ensuring that unity prevails among the Meru county leaders.

Meanwhile, governor Mwangaza is currently facing the 5th impeachment motion, after deputy majority leader who is also a UDA nominated MCA tabled another impeachment motion at the county assembly.

The MCAs are accusing governor Mwangaza of 3 charges which includes; misappropriation of public funds, abuse of public office and gross misconduct.

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