A pupil has been killed, another one seriously injured after a speeding vehicle ferrying miraa ran over them outside the gates of PCEA Gateway School in Embu, along the Embu-Mwea-Nairobi Highway.
Eye witnesses say that on Friday, March 14 evening, teachers at the school were helping pupils cross the busy highway to the other side of the school.

The teacher on duty helping the pupils cross the road had lifted a stop sign to indicate to all motorists that children are crossing. All motorists adhered to the stop sign, but one particular motorist driving a Toyota Probox car that was ferrying miraa did not.
“Walimu walikuwa wanavukisha watoto barabara, na huwa wanashika mabango za kuonyesha wanafunzi wanavuka barabara kwa hivyo magari yasimame. Magari yote yalisimama, lakini kuna driver mmoja alikuwa na Probox hakusimama na akawagonga watoto wawili,” Veronica Wambui told TV47 Digital.
One PP1 pupil is said to have died on the spot while the other was rushed to hospital, where he is receiving medical care.

After the incident, the driver of the Probox sped off from the scene of accident, something that prompted angry residents to block the busy highway protesting against careless driving by miraa vehicles.
“Magari mengine yalisimama lakini kuna moja Probox ilikuka ika overlap, ikawagonga watoto 5. Tunafunga hii barabara mpaka serikali ituambie shida hizi zitaisha lini,” James Muthii, another angry resident, said.