Martha Wanjiru, a landlady from Ongata Rongai, has once again upheld her annual tradition of waiving January rent for her tenants.
The thoughtful gesture, which she says is aimed at easing financial burdens, has earned her widespread admiration and gratitude from her tenants and the broader community.

In a Tiktok video, Wanjiru explained that her decision stems from a desire to support families during a financially demanding period.
“To all my Kenyan tenants, happy New Year 2025, may it be filled with blessings and as you celebrate the New Year, no payment of the January rent. So, celebrate to the fullest, take your children back to school,” she stated.
She further expressed her appreciation for her tenants, lauding their good conduct and timely payments throughout the year.
Wanjiru urged her tenants to use the money to care for their children or families, noting that it was her gift to them.
“Use the rent money you were to pay me to take care of your kids, and if you do not have children, use it for your family or anything you want. We bless you with that money.
Thank you so much for being wonderful tenants. We wish you all the best, and if you are blessed, remember to also bless others,” she noted.