Pastor Mackenzie to be jailed for one year for distributing content without KFCB license

National NewsNews
Pastor Mackenzie to be jailed for one year for distributing content without KFCB license

Malindi court has sentenced controversial Pastor Paul Mackenzie to one year in prison.

This is after the pastor was found guilty for flouting film distribution and production laws.

The Shakahola cult leader is guilty using video content not approved by Kenya Film Classification Board KFCB.

While making her rulling Malindi court Senior Resident Magistrate Olga Onalo added the pastor another six months for operating a studio with the requisite license.

Pastor Paul Mackenzie in court for his case hearing. Pastor Paul Mackenzie and Chief Government Pathologist Johansen Oduor have failed to appear before the Senate. Photo: Pastor Paul Mackenzie/Facebook

The court determined that pastor Paul McKenzie’s 2019 summons aired on his tv channel had not been classified or authorized by Kenya Film and Classification Board.

“In respect to count two, I hereby sentence the accused person to twelve months imprisonment while in respect to count three.

“The accused person’s explanation of not knowing the need for a license from the Kenya Film Classification Board (KFCB) having obtained a broadcasting one is a reasonable though not entirely acceptable as ignorance of the law is no defense.

“Hence the resulting conviction and in light of the same, I sentence the accused to six months imprisonment,” Ruled Senior Magistrate Onalo.

ALSO READ: Alleged cult leader Pastor Mackenzie fails to appear before Senate

The probation officer requested that the Cult leader serves both sentences concurrently and should be held with an option of a bail.

Also according the courts pronouncement Mackenzie still reserves the right to appeal the ruling within 14 days.

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