EDITORIAL: Politicians should let funerals remain sacred for the bereaved

National NewsNews

The disgraceful trend of turning funeral and burial ceremonies into arenas for political power struggles has reached an intolerable level.

It’s utterly shameful that politicians and leaders are stooping so low as to exploit these solemn occasions for their own selfish gains, completely disregarding the dignity of the deceased and the grief of the bereaved.

The recent clash between Education CS Ezekiel Machogu and Kisii Governor Simba Arati at the burial of Kisii National Polytechnic Principal Daniel Nyariki is an example of such appalling behavior.

Instead of showing respect and offering condolences, these leaders shamelessly used the funeral as a stage for their personal vendettas and political posturing.

It’s high time for our leaders to show some semblance of shame and decency.

Simba Arati and Ezekiel Machogu clash at a funeral in Kisii shamelessly using the funeral as a stage for their personal vendettas and political posturing. Photo: K24 TV
Simba Arati and Ezekiel Machogu clash at a funeral in Kisii shamelessly using the funeral as a stage for their personal vendettas and political posturing. Photo: K24 TV

Funerals and burials are sacred rites where families bid farewell to their loved ones with reverence and respect. They are not battlegrounds for political egos or turf wars.

Hiring crowds to disrupt these solemn ceremonies is not just reprehensible—it’s a reflection of the moral bankruptcy of those who engage in such tactics.

Exploiting vulnerable youths for political gain is nothing short of despicable and must be condemned in the strongest possible terms.

As a society, we must demand better from our leaders. We must demand that they show respect for the sanctity of funeral ceremonies and refrain from using them as platforms for politics and their personal agendas.

Families deserve the chance to mourn their loved ones without the intrusion of political theatrics.

It’s time for our leaders to find their sense of shame and leave funerals and burials to those who truly wish to honor the departed with dignity and respect.

Copy by Fred Indimuli- host Morning Cafe show

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