Raila Odinga refutes bribery accusations; supports Gen-Z demos

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Raila Odinga refutes bribery accusations; supports Gen-Z demos

Former Premier Raila Odinga has refuted claims that he was bribed to form a coalition government with President Ruto.

In a statement provided by the Azimio team, he reinstated his support for the dubbed Gen Z movement which is angled towards government reform.

Additionally, Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga made a statement in Dubai.

Indicating that he might withdraw his bid for the Chairperson of the African Union Commission.

ALSO READ: Raila Odinga stands firm: “Justice must come before talks”

He said this in light of if efforts to achieve political stability in Kenya do not succeed.

His remarks suggest that his participation in the AUC Chairperson race hinges on the progress of political stability within Kenya.

Raila’s bid for the AUC

“I am willing to give up my ambitions for the AUC if they are being used to manipulate me at the expense of our nation’s quest for a better and stable country.” he was quoted as stating.

This comes shortly after stating that he would not enter into discussions with President William Ruto’s administration.

The former Prime Minister emphasized that justice must be served for young Kenyans who lost their lives during anti-government protests.

Raila Odinga expressed his dismay over allegations suggesting he had been bribed by the Kenya Kwanza administration to enter a government of national unity.

ALSO READ: Youthful ambition: Kenya’s young politicians making their mark

Azimio principals abandoned Raila

The Azimio Leader clarified that such speculation, implying he was being manipulated to support William Ruto’s government in exchange for lobbying for the AUC Chairmanship, was completely unfounded.

ODM Party Leader Raila Odinga (left) with former Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho during a previous rally. PHOTO/HASSAN JOHO/X
ODM Party Leader Raila Odinga (left) with former Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho during a previous rally. PHOTO/HASSAN JOHO/X

He was quoted as stating, “The notion that I have agreed to such a government is entirely false.

He clarified that rumours suggesting he was offered an AUC seat as a bribe were spread by individuals aiming to create discord within the Azimio la Umoja coalition.

As both the leader of Azimio and the ODM Party, he dismissed claims of internal strife within ODM caused by his decision to engage in talks with the Kenya Kwanza administration.

Senior ODM members against Odinga

This move had drawn criticism from some ODM leaders, including Siaya Governor James Orengo,

who viewed it as a betrayal of those who lost their lives during protests against the Finance Bill.

On Friday, July 19, James Orengo expressed his disapproval, stating,

“At a time when we are mourning our people, some are scrambling for positions; this cannot happen.”

In a notable shift, Raila Odinga concurred with Governor Orengo’s sentiment.

Affirming that he would refrain from participating in government-led dialogues until justice was achieved for victims of police violence.

ALSO READ: Duale, Wahome react as Ruto nominates them to Cabinet

Odinga demand arrest of rogue policemen

Apart from disagreeing with the move to salvage the former CSs, he demanded the ⁠arrest and prosecution of police officers involved in the abductions and killing of protesters.

⁠He asked the national government to compensate the relatives of those who were killed by the police during the protests. 

Raila also demanded compensation for Kenyans who were either injured or killed during his 2023-led anti-government protests. 

Other demands included; the unconditional release of all arrested political protesters

Dropping all pending charges against protesters and ⁠halting abductions and extrajudicial killings of protesters.

ALSO READ: “Twasema pole!” – Raila apologises to journalists, leaders after attack at Azimio presser

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