Raila’s key ally, James Orengo, on why he went with President Ruto to India

Raila’s key ally, James Orengo, on why he went with President Ruto to India

Siaya County governor James Orengo has issued a clarification on why he accompanied President William Ruto to India.

The presence of Orengo in President Ruto’s team during the trip to India had caused an uproar as ODM supporters questioned his loyalty to Raila Odinga.

Orengo’s trip to India surprised many Kenyans, since is among opposition politicians who were questioning the legitimacy of the Kenya Kwanza government after the August 2022 general elections.

However, governor Orengo has clarified that he accompanied the President to India as the head of delegation from the Lake Region Economic Bloc (LREB).

President William Ruto (center) after a meeting with leaders from the government of  India. Photo: William Ruto/X
President William Ruto (center) after a meeting with leaders from the government of India. Photo: William Ruto/X

“I led a delegation from Lake Region Economic Bloc, including governors Stephen Sang (Nandi), and Hillary Barchok (Bomet) to appraise President William Ruto on the MoU we signed with Indian government Ministries and Departments ahead of a meeting between President Ruto and Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India,” Orengo stated.

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According to Orengo, the MoU focuses on establishing a Solar Energy Park with a capacity of 280MW, with each county in the region getting between 10 to 50MW.

He added that as LREB, they are seeking extension of Standard Gauge Railway to Malaba with an aim of interlinking the 14 counties in the region.

The LREB counties include Kisumu, Siaya, Migori, Homa Bay, Kisii, Nyamira, Kakamega, Bungoma, Busia, Vihiga, Trans Nzoia, Bomet, Nandi and Kericho.

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At the same time, Orengo noted that President Ruto had endorsed the two project ideas for LREB during the meeting with Narendra Modi.

“Met Dr. Srinivasa Raju Gannavarapu, CEO, Procorp Enertech Private Limited who has shown interest in investing in LREB counties. 

“Present were Governors James Orengo (Siaya), Stephen Sang (Nandi) and HillaryBarchok (Bomet).

“Good infrastructure facilitates the expansion of opportunities and economic growth. 

“The Lake Region Economic Bloc (LREB) have an ambitious plan to link their counties and bring the benefits of connectedness to the people by building the roads that will create prosperity for this and future generations,” stated President Ruto in a statement posted on his X account.

Orengo accompanied President Ruto in a trip to India, two months after ODM expelled 5 MPs for defying party positions and supporting the Kenya Kwanza agenda.

For instance, ODM National Executive Committee (NEC) on September 6 expelled the MPs for defying party positions and gross misconduct.

The MPs include; Elisha Odhiambo (Gem), Gideon Ochanda (Bondo), Caroli Omondi (Suba South), Felix Odiwuor (Lang’ata), and Kisumu Senator Tom Ojienda.

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At that time, Raila termed the six legislators as traitors and demanded that they should resign from ODM.

The ODM party leader noted that it was wrong for the ODM legislators to use the back door to meet President William Ruto in the pretense of looking for development.

“You have gone against the wishes of the people who elected you, you are traitors, and if you are a traitor, step aside,” said Raila.

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