Ruto allies accuse Gachagua’s supporters of blackmail in Kenya Kwanza

Ruto allies accuse Gachagua’s supporters of blackmail in Kenya Kwanza

President William Ruto’s allies have accused political leaders allied to deputy president Rigathi Gachagua over alleged blackmailing of Kenya Kwanza government.

South Mugirango member of parliament (MP) Sylvanus Osoro, the majority whip of the National Assembly, stated that since the Mt. Kenya leaders control about half of the Kenya Kwanza administration, there is no need for them to quarrel.

“…you control the government and the country. You actually own half of this government. You have no reason to complain and bring unnecessary squabbles to the national government, ” Osoro said.

” Let us respect each other, let’s respect the president. You run the government, but stop blackmailing the president of the republic of Kenya. It’s not right, ” the legislator added.

On the other hand, on Sunday May 19, DP Rigathi Gachagua’s allies, backed by Nyeri County Governor Mutahi Kahiga declared they would not stand by and watch the DP being undermined.

South Mugirango member of parliament (MP) Sylvanus Osoro. Photo/File
South Mugirango member of parliament (MP) Sylvanus Osoro. Photo/File

Kahiga declared that they would not permit the DP to be undermined in the same manner that President Ruto was treated during his tenure as DP under the former president, Uhuru Kenyatta.

“We will not allow our son to go through that. Kama mbaya mbaya (let the worst happen) but he will not be taken through that. He was not given the seat on a silver platter, he fought for it, and he is not a deputy president by default,” governor Kahiga charged.

According to him, any disdain directed against Gachagua is directed towards the Mt. Kenya region.

“We in Mt Kenya woke up very early in the morning to elect this government. We elected both William Ruto and Rigathi Gachagua and suffered a lot in the process. You all know the atrocities committed against Ruto when he was the deputy president and we shall not allow this to happen to our son,” Kahiga added.

Meanwhile, Baringo North MP Joseph Makilap supported President Ruto and leaders of the Rift Valley against allegations of interfering with the political process in Mount Kenya region.

“There is no single day President Ruto has sent any leader from Rift valley to disrupt the politics of Mt. Kenya. We therefore want to tell those engaged in ethnic mobilization to look for something else to do,” said the MP.

In addition, Mogotio MP Reuben Kiborek stated that there is no need for anyone to be afraid of the national tours that certain young leaders are pushing.

Following his regional talks and fund-raising excursions around the nation, Kiharu MP, Ndindi Nyoro has been accused of undermining Gachagua.

This has not gone down well with DP Gachagua’s allies, who believe that Nyoro was being used to attack Gachagua.

However, Kiborek issued a warning about political instability, declaring that any leader who fights the young leaders is an enemy of the future.

“So to our senior leaders, please don’t suppress us. Don’t think that our tours around the country are intended to create problems,” said Kiborek.

At the same time, Eldama Ravine MP Musa Sirma and nominated senator Jackson Kosgei had called for sobriety among leaders within Kenya Kwanza.

” As an elder, we are ready to bring warring parties together because Kenya is one. We need to maintain sobriety and engage on real facts not propaganda,” said Sirma.

According to Senator Kosgei, Kenyans voted peacefully in 2022, so no one should pick a fight two years later.

“Any ethnic mobilization in Kenya must stop if we want to realize meaningful leadership and development,” he stated.

Still on the same, Nandi Senator Samson Cherargei on May 19, stated that people who were criticizing him were wasting their time, and advised DP Gachagua to persevere.

“The deputy president is not a Mt. Kenya leader, he is a national leader and he should not worry about these small things,” said Cherargei.

However, Gachagua avoided bringing up the issues on mount Kenya politics as he stood to speak at the Nyeri church function.

“There are many things being discussed and I will not talk about them. Let us try to bring the political temperatures down and work for our people because the time of politics will come and we shall be there,” he said.

However, in a significant jab, Gachagua asserted that a group of legislators who have been critical of him were ‘amplifiers,’ raising the possibility that they may be working on behalf of some strong powers.

Speaking in his native Kikuyu language, “To the people of Mt Kenya, please don’t allow to be divided by others. Let’s pray to God so that we don’t turn brother against brother.

“There are those who are talking a lot of things out there; if you keenly listen to them you’ll realize that they are amplifiers talking on behalf of someone else.”

The remarks emerged after it was noted that the DP had missed a number of crucial national events and sparking rumors about his position and the nature of his political relationship with President Ruto.

But on Sunday night, Gachagua showed up to bid farewell to his boss, who was leaving for a five-day state visit to the United States.

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Francis Zuriel Moturi, a former Investments Manager at the National Social Security Fund…

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