SDA Pastor cautions ladies against marrying divorced men

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SDA Pastor Elizabeth Mokoro, a spiritual guide, is firm in her advice to women.

Steer clear of divorced men if you want to ensure a joyful marriage.

According to her teachings, many women who have left their marital homes always come back.

Further, she added divorce tend to reunite with their former spouses matter how much time has elapsed. Photo: Elizabeth Mokoro/Facebook.

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Pastor Mokoro argued that women who choose to marry divorced men often find themselves in a state of uncertainty.

The constant worry about the reappearance of the previous wife.

Further, concerns about potential inheritance issues with the children can create a sense of limbo in their lives.

In no uncertain terms, she declared,

“Let no man lie to you that their wives left. If you have a way of confirming their death, then marriage is a possibility.

However, if a man confesses to a divorce, don’t let the notion of divorce deceive you into thinking you can remarry. In the eyes of heaven, that marriage is still intact.

Those who have tried often live in fear of the first wife returning.”

“Why tie yourself to someone who was once married?” she emphatically added.

The SDA Pastor urged women to free themselves from the complications that may arise in such situations.

Pastor Mokoro extended her advice by encouraging women to broaden their horizons.

If divorced men are prevalent in their local communities, she suggested that one looks beyond their town or cultural boundaries.

To illustrate the potential pitfalls, she recounted a story of a man who vowed never to take back his estranged wife, only to renege on his words months later.

The unexpected twist led to an unforeseen polygamous situation, with the man’s mother welcoming back the estranged wife.

In essence, Pastor Elizabeth Mokoro’s counsel revolves around safeguarding women from the complexities that can arise when marrying divorced men.

Emphasizing the importance of clarity and understanding in building a lasting and harmonious marital union.


‼️Marry a divorcee at your own risk ‼️ ~Pastor Mokoro warns on getting into polygamy. #love #marriage #family

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