Tems: “Nigerians do not understand my music”

Tems: “Nigerians do not understand my music”

Nigerian singer Tems, known for her soulful voice and unique sound, recently opened up about her music in an insightful interview.

She shared her thoughts on whether Nigerians fully grasp the essence and depth of her sound, revealing some intriguing insights.

When asked if she feels appreciated by Nigerians and if they truly understand her music, Tems responded with a thoughtful pause.

“Understand, no. I don’t know if they appreciate my music, but I feel appreciated as a person by Nigerians,” she said with a reflective smile.

Tems music

Tems’ music is a blend of deep emotions.

Intricate melodies, and poignant lyrics that often transcend the conventional boundaries of popular music in Nigeria.

Her sound is a rich tapestry woven with threads of R&B, soul, and a hint of Afrobeats, creating a genre uniquely her own.

It’s a sound that invites listeners to delve deeper, to listen with their hearts as much as their ears.

Despite her international acclaim and growing global fanbase, Tems feels that her music’s full impact might be lost on some of her fellow Nigerians.

“I think it’s about the layers,” she explained.

“My music has many layers, and not everyone peels them back to see what’s underneath.

But that’s okay. I believe true connection comes with time and openness.”

Tems acknowledges that every artist’s path is filled with both resonance and misunderstanding, acceptance and scepticism. Photo: Tems/Facebook.

Artistic journey

Her candidness revealed a profound understanding of her artistic journey.

Yet, she finds solace in the personal appreciation she feels from her fellow Nigerians.

Tems’ story is indeed compelling. Rising from the vibrant Lagos music scene.

She has carved a niche for herself with hits like “Try Me” and her collaboration on Wizkid’s global hit “Essence.”

Her music speaks of resilience, love, and the human experience.

Resonating with listeners who crave authenticity.

As her star continues to rise, Tems remains committed to her unique sound.

She believes that with time, more Nigerians will come to understand and appreciate the depth of her music.

“It’s a journey, and I’m grateful for everyone who listens, whether they get it fully or not,” she said with a serene confidence.

As she continues to create and share her music, Tems remains a beacon of authenticity, inviting the world to listen more deeply and feel more proud

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