Terik community put smiles on the less fortunate faces on Christmas day

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Christmas is a special time of the year that is celebrated around the world. Here in Kenya, many people from different parts of the country turned out to mark the celebration.

In Nandi County, the Terik Community Worldwide in collaboration with well wishers came together to put a smile on the less fortunate in the community.

Terik is a marginalized community in Kenya – declared by the United Nations Education, Science and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) in 2000 to be in danger of extinction. Terik language is spoken in parts of Nandi South of Nandi County and Vihiga County.

The team of well-wishers distributed foodstuff to 101 families in Nandi and Vihiga counties, benefitting at least 300 people directly.

One of the beneficiaries of a noble course by the Terik Community Worldwide in collaboration with well wishers, who came together to put a smile on the less fortunate in the community.

‘We contributed at least KSh100 each’

According to Solomon Choge, the coordinator Terik Community Worldwide, they formed a WhatsApp group of at least 300 people who then contributed a minimum of KSh100 each to aid the 100 needy families.

“Our aim as the Terik community in conjunction with our friends was to celebrate Christmas by remembering the less fortunate than us, who struggle to meet their basic needs and face hardships every day. On other occasions we assist with school fees, sickness among others, but this month we focussed on Christmas,” Choge said.

Another beneficiary receiving Christmas goodies from the Terik Community initiative. Solomon Choge, the coordinator Terik Community Worldwide, says they formed a WhatsApp group of at least 300 people who then contributed a minimum of KSh100 each to aid the 100 needy families on Christmas Day.

He added: “I am glad that we have made a positive difference to the people we shared the food donations and other items with. We donated to all people regardless of tribe or other affiliations, and that is what Christmas is.”

On his part, Ken Ngetich – who is a member of the Terik Community technical committee – expressed his satisfaction in seeing the joy in the faces of the families.

One of the beneficiaries could not hide her joy when the Terik Community Worldwide surprised her on Christmas day, bearing gifts.

“The families we visited were so happy, and that really touched my heart. I am thankful to all members of the community for uniting for a noble course. We contributed 6kgs of maize flour, 2 litres of cooking oil 2 kgs of rice, 2kgs of sugar, 2kgs of wheat flour and 1 bar soap. It was not much, but the smiles made the difference.”  Ngetich said.

Another beneficiary receiving Christmas goodies i.e. foodstuff courtesy of the Terik Community Worldwide.

“I am so grateful to the people of Terik who did this and remembered me. I have never experienced this. It has come in handy as I had nothing,” Elizabeth Jepnyango, one of the beneficiaries from Kimwenge village disclosed.

For Sarah Jebitok, another beneficiaries of the donations, this year’s Christmas will remain etched in her memory.

“I was so surprised when I saw people coming to my home, I did not know they were bringing me goodies. My family and I now have something to cook this festive season,” Kibitok, who hails from Kapsengere village, could not hide her joy.

“I was so surprised when I saw people coming to my home, I did not know they were bringing me goodies. My family and I now have something to cook this festive season,” Sarah Jebitok said after receiving the Christmas goodies.

“This is a total surprise. It’s a first in my life!” James Besa, another beneficiary from Kipserkech village, noted.

Some of the professionals, politicians and friends that joined the community in contributing to the course included Nandi Governor Stephen Sang, MPs Marriane Kittany (Aldai), Julius Melly (Tinderet).

For this elderly couple, this year’s Christmas will remain etched in their memories, courtesy of the Terik Community Worldwide.

Others were Prof. Maritim Songok, KEMRI Director General and CEO, Prof. Haroun Mengech, and Shoka Millers.

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