Articles On reject finance bill

Leaderless revolution in 21st century: the Gen-Z revolution

The past two weeks have seen the country plunged into a state of unrest because of protests against the Finance…

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South African politician Julius Malema joins Kenyans in rejecting Finance Bill

South African opposition politician Julius Malema on Monday June 24, 2024 commended the bravery of Kenyans who were protesting against…

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Wajakoyah leads Kenyans in the US to protest against Finance Bill [PHOTOS]

Roots Party leader George Wajackoyah on Sunday June 23, 2024 led Kenyans in protesting against the Financial Bill 2024 in…

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AG Justin Muturi’s son, Leslie released after abduction

Leslie Muturi, the son of Attorney General Justin Muturi, was freed on Sunday night, some hours after he was purportedly…

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