In this video, we introduce you to the Overview and fundamental concepts of JavaScript. by the end of this video, the learner should:
1) Be able to define the basic concepts of JavaScript
2) Be able to identify the main features of JavaScript
3) Implement a simple JavaScript code
4) Know the datatypes supported in Java
5) Differentiate between global and local variable
What is JavaScript? JavaScript is a dynamic computer programming language which is a lightweight and most commonly used to create web pages, whose implementations allow client-side script to interact with the user and make dynamic pages
This video has partially covered the academic unit DIT 2210: INTERNET PROGRAMMING. Thank you for watching this video, our facilitator is LINDAH SAWE from Mount Kenya University, School of Computing and Informatics. The school offers certificate, diploma, bachelor and master programs under the department of information technology, department of information science and knowledge management and department of enterprise computing. For more information visit the school website
is internet programming now the same as webscripting using JavaScript
where can i get your notes
Thank you
that's my teacher Linda
Where can i get your PPT note