Vituo tofauti nchini vyatayarisha uchaguzi mkuu, kupata taarifa kuhusu uchaguzi huu kadri zinapotukia ungana nasi kwa taarifa tendeti za TV47
00.00 – 05.12 Maandalizi ya uchaguzi (Bomas)
05.13 – 10.30 Maandalizi ya uchaguzi (Nakuru)
10.31 – 12.30 Maandalizi ya Uchaguzi (Uasin Gishu)
12.31 – 17.31 Maandalizi ya Uchaguzi (Siaya)
17.32 – 21.45 Ugavana Mombasa waahirishwa
21.46 – 25.55 Ugavana Kakamega waahirishwa
29.00 – 32.46 Maandalizi ya uchaguzi (Kirinyaga)
32.47 – 36.53 Maandalizi ya uchaguzi (Trans Nzoia)
36.54 – 39.49 Maandalizi ya uchaguzi Nandi
39.50 – 42.48 Breki ya ugavana Mombasa, Kakamega
42.49 – 44.45 Usalama wa uchaguzi Nairobi
44.46 – 47.29 Imani ya Mwaure debeni
47.30 – 50.05 Walemavu na uchaguzi
01.06.25 – 02.05.17 Mchakato wa uchaguzi
#kenyaelections #kenyadecides #iebc
As a Kenyan i dont know what is not happening with us, Our president to be Raila Omollo Odinga he was taken to the isollated room where he was not able to see light and sun for six yers , just in the name of guiding and fighting for us during the time of moi , As a Kenyan why dont we see sorrow for the guy who was able to die for us in the name of peace then we vote for him to me i was not born bt i know the story through his biography let us be the being who are just seeing and watching the realities so you can be able to see where life is going with any corraption plz think as you vote takeout to help your country {Raila Igwe} ❤❤❤💙💙💙