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Poor wazungu tourists wondering why does the government use with the taxes payee's money 💷 for, if roads can't be repaired and extended the roads and build bridges and traffic lights 🚥 everywhere and to be obeyed too. Wazungu government are always repairing roads day and night so as the taxes payee's don't complian. This is sad but this road is always dangerous and lorry drivers don't care.
God have mercy on this country, taxes zetu ndizo hawa wezi wako wako kwa government wananunua magari makubwa makubwa ili Hali Barabara za Kenya sinakaa Kama shamba 😭😭
Na bado hadi pastor Ezekiel aachiwe,ngoja MUNGU wa mbinguni awaadhibu kw kumshika mtumishi wake
Ss ndo mjue MUNGU si wa kuchezew
People should now start to migrate away to safer places alongside the great rift valley