#shakahola #shakaholacult
April 2023, has been a period when the country’s focus has moved to churches and cults….and the thin line between the two. The influence and power some church leaders have on their followers has been questioned just how much is too much?
The government has not been left out of the equation as many condemned it for the laxity that is said to have led to the horrific deaths of hundreds of Kenyans. Our reporter Sharon Barang’a spent time at Shakahola in Kilifi county where she interacted with people closest to Paul Mackenzie and brings you shocking tales of the last wedding.
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Very true
I hear Muiru's voice in Mackenzie and Ezekiel
Kumbe one can steal a person's voice completely??? Demons impersonation of
Muiru's voice in Mackenzie . Weeeh.
Great Piece Sharon
Kwani hizo mitambo zilishuka kutoka mbinguni, stima ni radi ndiyo inatumika kwa hiyo kanisa ?
Hizo Viti kwani hakununua ?
Hawa wote wanaotazama walikufa
Watoto ukiwapiaa wasiamke mapema kwenda shule watafurahiaa,,,wasikie confidence ,,this a cult
That man at beach 🏝️ Wewe stopped and lied please 👈🏽
Whatever you do in this life. If you call yourself a christian read the Bible for yourself. Please read the Bible and understand
This is a mad man
Aty huduma namba what
Yeye mbona hakufunga mshenzi tu
Kuna huwezekano hawa watu wote walikufa
Mia sita sitini na six
Most Africans in churches believe more in witchcraft than the Bible, this Yesu they shout about with hoarse voices is just but a decoy or camouflage. This conflicted state when cobined with lack of education and stressed, deprived life the poor soul opens up for any form of manipulation by any sociopath and narcissist for political or economic gains.
So bro wake hakumfuata? Bro wake hakuacha kazi? Okay….
Please find the movie "Keep Sweet: Pray and Obey" youll understand this is real damn! brainwash
We need shakahola documentary
Akili sio mywele wengine hawana 😢
So this guy might have killed his two wives too 😢
The interviewee deserves our donations more than Mustafa
a brother will never snitch
Just a lazy failure in life,who wanted to feel important.People should read the Bible and not just listen to people just talking.
He is using a microphone yet he says this things are from the devil
Where was the government all this time. Chief of the area and County officers, would you say they never had a hint of what Mackenzie was doing ?????.. You have your answers..now the results.
Makenzi should be kept at garissa national stadium day n night till death and reveal those who gave him the job as he always claim
Fremasonics illuminati vampires…makenzie ni Nembo tu underground/ behind all ni ma ghost wengi ex……Ezekiel and Muiru
This brother! Hear no evil, see no evil…
He took his second wife and his kids to Shakahola and their whereabouts are unknown, why did he marry the third wife id his second wife is alive?
Stop religion Brain wash 😓😓
Those grown ups who willingly indulged in this and survived are equally guilty and should all be arrested and prosecuted wasihurumiwe
on them mackenzi has got no case to answer
The only case mackenzi has to answers is involving innocent children without their consent
Kwa huu ujinga
Bona hawakuenda huko kufa peke yao wawachane na watoto
Wakenya waharakishe to put this whole saga into a movie before Hollywood grabs this chance and exaggerate the whole situation
An African child will never be safe anywhere in this world especially in kenya
How is it a cult ? They just followed the bible. Simple and clear.
Kuna Teja moja underway evangelist yeye hunishow hupenda kazi yake sana Na nahuifanya Na biddi Kwanza akisikia Ni kazi ya kuenda kuua lawyer yeye hucheka tu…..Sasa MTU aki amua Ku fast,bila kuwa Na lawyers wako Karibu jama Kama huyo haekwi ndani …. MTU Kaa Uyo moto wakuoteambali …… Shirkuhola crusader attacks is a pure act of sheer filthy whores and oh wait period poverty nothing else the scandal is a cancer that needs to be excised from the body of Christ
This was so detailed.Good job
I like the rhetorical part of it
I will never ever judge
Very evil 👿 n wicked man, may he never come out of that prison , a great fool
God Himself He is the Greatest Businessmann , oh poor people
This is a walking demon
Uchawi kamili
Religious cults like this one are mostly controlled by the government.
ata baba Yesu alikua anafanya kazi CARPENTER
hes bro is part of the cult
The Bible is a dubious book containing serious errors of historical and scientific fact.