Two Cabinet Secretaries caught up in crazy traffic snarl-up along Kiambu Road

National NewsNews

Two Cabinet Secretaries have been caught up in an early morning traffic snarl along the busy Kiambu Road today (Thursday, October 12).

The two top government officials – whom we could not ascertain but their cars mounted with the Kenyan flag and a chase car as the standard entourage of a cabinet secretary -were among hundreds of Kenyans stuck for hours in the snarl-up.

The traffic jam, that stretched from the Muthaiga, Thika Road interchange to AAR Hospital along Kiambu Road, caused many Kenyans to alight from PSV vehicles and walk to their offices and place of work.

The morning incident saw cars overlapping, with the one-way road connecting Kiambu County to the country’s capital Nairobi turned into a four-lane highway before a gridlock brought all possible movement to a halt.

Traffic police officers outweighed by the situation with little to offer stood by as the scene turned even more chaotic.

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