UDA leaders call for review of party constitution after Malala’s ouster

UDA leaders call for review of party constitution after Malala’s ouster

UDA leaders from West Pokot have called for the review of the party constitution to enable it to handle issues arising within. This comes after the ousting of the Secretary General Cleophas Malala over poor leadership within the party.

Sigor MP Peter Lochakapong said that the UDA leaders from the county faced challenges during the recent party elections which the party could not resolve which he attributes to the party constitution.

Lochakapong reiterated the review on the party elections procedures which he said were cumbersome for the grassroots in the five counties which underwent elections.

The MP supported the move undertaken by the party to remove Malala and replace him with former Senator Hassan Omar, urging the new secretary general to improve the party leadership not to repeat the same mistakes done by Malala.

UDA, West Pokot branch, is among the counties that moved to court to stop its party elections after it was marked by irregularities that failed to be addressed by party organs.

However, the legislator said that they are fully behind the president in coming up with a government of national unity.

He cited since the inclusion of opposition members to the Cabinet, the frequent anti-government protests have gone down.

He added that there was no need to let the country burn and that the president did the right thing by engaging the opposition.

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