University entry requirements to change, Ministry adopts new grading system

National NewsNews

Prospective university, TVET, and college students are set to undergo a revamped admission process.

This follows the introduction of a new grading system by the Ministry of Education.

CS for @EduMinKenya, Ezekiel Machogu [Photo:EduMin/X]

Education Cabinet Secretary Ezekiel Machogu talked about the changes.

This was while he was announcing the 2023 KCSE results in Eldoret on Monday.

Further signalling a departure from the traditional grading structure.

READ ALSO: 2023 KCSE: Details of cancelled results, withheld marks

Machogu emphasized that the revised grading system, implemented during the 2023 KCSE examination, marked a significant shift.

According to Council Resolution No. 2/C 18th September/ 2023/1, the Council’s approval of the new grading structure marked the legitimacy of the transformation.

The recalibrated grading system emphasizes Mathematics, the top-performing language subject (English/Kiswahili/Kenyan Sign Language).

Moreover, the best-performing five subjects determine the overall KCSE results.

The educational reform aims to broaden opportunities for students to pursue their preferred courses at universities, diploma, and TVET training at certificate and artisan levels.

“This new reform measure will allow a larger number of students to pursue courses of their choice

At the universities, Diploma and TVET training at Certificate and Artisan levels than was previously when the grading was more restrictive,” Machogu said.

To ensure candidates possess essential literacy (English or Kiswahili) and numeracy skills (mathematics).

The CS highlighted the necessity of aligning with the new grading system.

The alignment extends to Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS) and universities.

Machogu directed them to adjust their cluster points and entry requirements accordingly.

Machogu’s reforms

Machogu further directed KUCCPS to embark on a comprehensive career awareness campaign among the 2023 KCSE candidates.

The objective is to ensure that all students are well-informed about the new entry requirements for TVET and universities under the Higher Education Funding Model launched last year.

2023 KCSE candidates aspiring to join TVET institutions are slated for admission in March 2024.

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