World Condom Day: A wake-up call to fight HIV in Kenya and empower the youth

World Condom Day: A wake-up call to fight HIV in Kenya and empower the youth

The HIV epidemic is a term many are familiar with. Countless studies, reports, and statistics have been conducted to understand its spread and impact globally. 

For some people, the conversation about HIV may feel outdated, with everything that needs to be said already spoken. 

However, organizations such as the National Syndemic Diseases Control Council (NSDCC) highlight a troubling reality: around four new HIV infections occur every hour in Kenya, adding up to roughly 32,000 new cases annually. 

As Dr. Ruth Laibon- Masha, CEO NSDCC, states, “Despite our progress, HIV continues to spread at an alarming rate, especially among the youth.”

As World Condom Day is celebrated on February 13, 2025, we reflect on the ongoing battle against HIV, especially among adolescents and young people in Kenya. 

With the highest rates of new infections in this group, low testing rates and a lack of awareness about prevention continue to fuel the spread of the virus. 

Many young individuals remain undiagnosed due to stigma, fear, and misconceptions about HIV, making education and awareness efforts more crucial than ever.

Since its inception in 2009, World Condom Day has promoted safer sex practices, with a focus on HIV prevention. 

Condoms remain one of the most effective tools in reducing the transmission of HIV and other STIs. 

The “King of Condoms” campaign challenges harmful beliefs, like the misconception that sex with a condom is less pleasurable. When both partners prioritize safety, sexual experiences can be just as enjoyable.

Raising awareness among the youth is key in this fight. Programs like the Gjali microsite provide essential information on HIV, sexual health, and prevention strategies. 

By empowering young people to make informed decisions about safe sex and regular testing, we can foster a healthier future. 

Let’s continue the conversation, educate openly, and take collective action to make strides in HIV prevention.

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