‘You either leave or we come for you’ – police warn criminals in Malindi

‘You either leave or we come for you’ – police warn criminals in Malindi

Malindi Sub County Police commander Luckiton Mudavadi has ordered all criminal elements to vacate, stop crime or else they will face dire consequences.

The police commander made the remarks after receiving four motorycles donated by Stakeholders under the umbrella of Progress Welfare Association of Malindi (PWAM) an organisation that has been in the forefront in organising clean ups in Malindi.

He said those criminals have no place in Malindi and their days are numbered as police will deal with them conclusively.

In the past few months, he said there were gangs called Panga boys which were a major security threat but they have eliminated through the multi agency approach during the festive season.

Mudavadi said that as officers from national Police Service, they are working together with officers from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) to stop crime in the coastal region. 

“For the remaining elements your days are numbered you either leave before we come for you because this is a tourist town and we cannot allow our economy to go down simply because of insecurity,” he said.

The police boss also thanked the stakeholders for the donation of the motorcycle saying they will go a long way in helping the police in combating crime.

During the handing over ceremony for the motorcycles in Malindi town, PWAM officials including business community, Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry, environmentalists among others announced plans to revive Malindi.

Kate Mwikali, the chairperson of PWAM said they donated the motorcycle so as to support the security personnel in Malindi, to enhance their mobility and response capabilities on matters security.

“This is just a small token from the community and we shall continue supporting them as we go on working together,” she said.

Rita Valentini an Italian Environmentalist and a member of PWAM who coordinated the funding for the motorycles said they decided to support the police so as to help them deal with security matters.

“Iam proud to be in the PWAM association and proud to have the association with the police as every body run to the police whenever anything happens ,” she said.

At the same time, Shabeer Kassamjee a business man and a founding member of PWAM said so far they have held 65 clean ups which has made PWAM to be a serious group, comprising of investors, government officials including police and Judiciary.

Kenya National Chambers of Commerce and Industry Kilifi County Chairperson Majid Swahle who was also present said the motorbikes donated to the police will help improve security.

Meanwhile, Mary Mutuku who is in charge of Car and General in Malindi said they were happy to partner with the stakeholders and promised to fill all the tanks of the motorcycles.

Written by Alphonce Gari, TV47 correspondent

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