Court upholds 330-year sentence for serial child defiler in Nakuru

Court upholds 330-year sentence for serial child defiler in Nakuru

In a disturbing case of child abuse, David Karega Njau, convicted of defiling five schoolgirls ,all of who were below seven years, faced a resolute legal outcome as the Nakuru High Court upheld his staggering 330-year prison sentence.

Despite Karega’s claims of innocence and attempts to discredit the accusations during his trial , Principal Magistrate Rhoda Yator on March 2,2021 handed down a sentence of 100 years for each defilement count and 10 years for each indecent act with a child count.

He filed an appeal on March 10, complaining that the punishment was harsh and severe.

However a ruling, delivered on May 21, 2024 by Nakuru High Court judge Samuel Mohochi , affirmed the severity of Karega’s crimes, which took place in Nakuru’s Rigogo village in Rongai Sub-county between September 10 and September 19, 2019.

“The appellant subjected the five minors all under the age of seven years to a bizarre and inhuman sexual attack. The orgy of sexual violence and threats of physical harm against the five children resulted in serious permanent trauma scars for which they shall remain, for the rest of their lives. In this case justice can only be served by a deterrent imprisonment term,” Justice Mohochi ruled.

Records show Karega would lure the young girls with money or sweets, ply them with alcohol, and then subject them to unspeakable acts of abuse.

Threatened into silence under the fear of death, the traumatized children suffered in silence until one brave girl confided in her grandmother, leading to Karega’s arrest.

During the trial, chilling details emerged of how Karega manipulated and terrorized his victims, leaving a trail of physical and emotional scars.

Medical examinations confirmed the heinous acts, with three girls definitively defiled and two others escaping attempts.

The 330-year sentence, while severe, stands as a testament to the court’s commitment to protecting the innocent and punishing those who perpetrate such egregious crimes.

This comes after recently a court in Homabay sentenced a man to life imprisonment after he defiled his 14-year-old daughter and impregnating her.

Section 8 of the Sexual Offences Act says a person who commits an act which causes penetration with a child is guilty of an offence termed defilement.

“A person who commits an offence of defilement with a child aged 11 years or less shall upon conviction be sentenced to imprisonment for life”.

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