Man electrocuted to death after dropping off his daughter at school

Man electrocuted to death after dropping off his daughter at school

Residents of Ulanda area in Awendo, Migori County are mourning the death of man who was electrocuted.

In the Wednesday evening accident, an electric pole carrying live current fell and the deceased got into contact with the live wires. He was electrocuted to death.

According to Awendo sub-county police commander, Mathias Pombo, the unfortunate incident occurred when the man was returning home after dropping off his daughter at a nearby secondary school.

Pombo noted that despite efforts to save him, they could not revive the man.

The sub-county police commander mentioned that the body has been taken to the mortuary while they conduct their investigations.

He requested the public and the deceased’s family to remain calm as investigations are ongoing.

In Abom village of Bondo, Siaya County, a 22-year old man on Thursday morning, escaped death narrowly when his house caught fire in a suspected case of arson.

According to Siaya County Police Commander Cleti Kimaiyo, Ochieng’ reported the incident at Lwala Kotiende police station, saying his house had been set on fire by unknown people.

Ochieng’ suspects that someone he had a fight with over a debt might be responsible.

The county police boss mentioned that police visited the scene and investigations have begun to establish the cause of the fire.

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